Dr. Jason Tham on Design Thinking

Dr. Jason Tham on Design Thinking

Dr. Jason Tham (https://jasontham.com/) joins the podcast to talk about his new book, Design Thinking in Technical Communication: Solving Problems through Making and Collaboration (https://www.routledge.com/Design-Thinking-in-Technical-Communication-Solving-Problems-through-Making/Tham/p/book/9780367478216). Follow @TechCommUAH or email Ryan Weber at ryan.weber@uah.edu for more information about the show.

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Dr. Jordan Frith on Barcodes

Dr. Jordan Frith on Barcodes

Ryan: Welcome to 10 Minute Tech Comm. This is Ryan Weber at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. And today, we’re going to talk about a...
